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Axe Circulation

Borrowing Privileges

PSU students, faculty, and staff may use their PSU Photo ID cards to check out all Library materials in the circulating collection.

Residents of the four-state area may be issued library cards upon presenting proof of residency (such as a driver's license).

Patrons are responsible for ALL materials charged out against their ID card, which must be presented at the time of check out.

Category Loan Period
Undergraduate 3 Weeks
Graduate End of Semester
Faculty End of Spring Semester
Community Members 3 Weeks
Videos / DVD's 3 Weeks
Reserve Material 2 hrs to 1 Week

Overdue Materials

If any library material is overdue, your borrowing privileges are suspended until all items are returned. In order to provide equitable service to all Library patrons, time limits on Library materials are strictly enforced.

Category Fines
Item not returned Cost of replacing the item + $5 processing fee
Item eventually found or returned Only the replacement cost is refunded

No refunds are given after four months of receipt of payment. Fines or lost charges of $10.00 or more result in blocks on PSU student records, and/or other collection procedures for community patrons.

Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy to remind you of overdue material. Failure to receive notices does not waive fines. Please ask the Circulation Desk for assistance if you are concerned that you might have overdue items.

Circulation of Periodicals

Faculty may check out periodicals for 3 weeks. All other use is restricted to Library use only.


All patrons have the right to appeal any fines or charges they feel may have been assessed in error. To initiate the appeal process, please contact supervisors at the Circulation Desk for an Appeal Form.


A courtesy notice is mailed out two days before an item is due. Most items can be renewed three times. Renew by replying to the Courtesy Notice e-mail, calling circulation at 620-235-4880, or asking in person at the Library.

If the material is overdue, it can still be renewed. Several classes of material including faculty reserves and periodicals cannot be renewed.


PSU considers Library records confidential. To protect your rights, appropriate IDs are required at all times. It is not advisable to charge out items for friends on your ID card or to loan your card to others. YOU are responsible for all material checked out on your card. Circulation staff will not provide you with any information about which patron has a particular item checked out. If you wish to obtain material which is checked out, the Library will recall the item for you.