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Learning Outreach

Axe Library Outreach

The Learning Outreach Department participates in activities and partnerships that help connect users with Library, resources, and the broad PSU community. The Learning Outreach Department works with faculty, staff, and students to promote their art, creative works, literary projects, and more in the library space.

More information on programs and events at our Axe News!

Contact the Library Staff!

Outreach to Students and Student Organizations

The Learning Outreach Librarians work with student organizations to co-host activities, set up events, organize book displays, and more.

If you are interested in promoting your work, or your clubs’ work, at the Axe library please contact
Jorge Leon / 620.235.4892
We encourage students to help shape the library space!

Outreach to Faculty and Academic Departments

Academic departments and faculty are encouraged to contact Jorge Leon in the Learning Outreach Department if they want to collaborate on a joint event or project.

Previous projects have included developing a speaker series, curating book displays, developing space to display student works, and helping judge or advise on events.

Requesting Space for Events

The Learning Outreach Librarians facilitate the process of requesting and reserving space in Leonard H. Axe Library for events. On-campus groups and community groups can request space for events, as long as they adhere to guidelines.

Axe Library Space Reservation Form.

Student Organizations - Your advisor's approval is needed to complete this form.

Library Champion Study Room Giveaway!

Wouldn't it be nice to have your own private study room at Axe library during Dead Week & Finals? The library has a study room reserved for the "Library Champion".

Say goodbye to hunting for vacant study rooms. Say hello to privacy, comfort, and convenience!

Want to become the Library Champion? Enter entries by attending identified library events. Only one entry per identified event. We will randomly select one winner from all entries. This lucky student will be named Library Champion and awarded use of the personal study room during Dead Week and Finals Week.

The Library Champion will be notified via their PittState email and it will be announced on the Library's social media accounts.