Library Instruction Services

The goal of library instruction is to promote information literacy. While learning to identify appropriate information sources is important, being able to critically evaluate sources is necessary for survival in today's information age.

In order to help users fully use and evaluate information sources, Axe librarians provide instruction to classes as well as individuals. Services also include designing exercises, creating guides to resources, and teaching search strategies.
  • Classroom instruction
    • 24 computers for hands-on interactive instruction.
    • click here to schedule the library instruction classroom.
  • Visits to your classroom
    • For a brief overview or demonstration of resources.
  • Library orientation
    • Physical tours through the Library to highlight resources and service points.
  • Faculty/Library collaborative assignments
    • Create meaningful learning activities to develop library and research skills.
  • Assist you in scheduling a Library study space, for large or small group collaboration.
  • Research consultation
    • Set up consultation sessions with individual students to help them with research strategy and searching.
  • Subject guides for your class
  • Faculty training
    • Support instructional activities in the classroom.
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