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Systems Department

The Library Systems

The Library Services Systems Department is responsible for the management of the computing resources. These resources include:

Many product services are available from dorm and off-campus by using your GUS Login and password. Assistance with off-campus database access through the GUS Authentication system is available in our Off Campus Database Access FAQ.

Systems also works directly with library users, including the PSU Library Consortium, faculty, staff, students and other area user groups.

PSU Library Catalog and the PSU Library Consortium

PSU Library Catalog provides information about the titles and holdings of Axe Library, the Kansas Technology Center Library (KTC), Pittsburg Public Library, and USD250 School Libraries. Please consult with contacts below for additional borrowing information.

3-Panel Consortium - original

SUMMON is our "Discovery Interface", providing access to all book, archival, and digital material within the libraries, as well as incorporating indexes and other database articles, journals, and other subscription content from many database providers, open-access materials, image repositories, and other scholarly resources. Resources are searched using various facets, limits, and wild-card searches to both narrow and expand search requests. SUMMON provides “full-text” searching within articles, and provides output of citations for further use in papers and publishing, and is considered the first and best stop for student, faculty, and other research. If material indicates it is unavailable for download, patrons may request articles and other material through Interlibrary Loan.

ENCORE is, what is often called, the traditional online catalog. Material in Encore is limited to what the libraries own physically (archives, fiction, book stacks, journals), with some (but not all) electronic book and journal titles. Consortia partners share the ENCORE catalog with “scopes”, which can either include or exclude physical material among sites for resource sharing. ENCORE resources may have holds placed on them depending on the material. Material among libraries may also be routed to users for pickup depending on availability.

SIERRA is the staff component of the integrated library system (ILS), used by the librarians for collection management, acquisitions, database maintenance, circulation and inventory control, serials management, etc. Staff use SIERRA to maintain the most accurate information about the titles and resources we have available to our patrons.

Pittsburg State University Library Services

Pittsburg State University Library Services serves the needs of the campus and the community with many technologies and services. Among them are shared online catalog resources with PSU Libraries, campus administrative units, and area regional libraries. Both Axe Library and the Crossland College of Technology (Previously known as the KTC) serve PSU Faculty, Staff, Students, and Community borrowers. To obtain material, or for questions on borrowing or availability, contact Axe Library (620-235-4882) or KTC Library (620-235-4054). Hours of availability for both PSU locations are listed in the Calendar.

PSU Library Consortium

The PSU Library Consortium includes Pittsburg area libraries, i.e., Pittsburg Public Library and USD250 School Libraries. Registered borrowers in the Pittsburg area can request materials from the other Pittsburg libraries by placing a hold request on material at their home library, which will be delivered to them at their home library.

Pittsburg Public Library, Pittsburg, KS: Items marked with a location of Pittsburg are located at 308 North Walnut, Pittsburg, KS, (620)-231-8110. PSU patrons may request items from Pittsburg Public at the Axe Circulation Desk, or they may borrow the items directly from Pittsburg Public Library with appropriate ID. Beverly Clarkson is the Director of the Pittsburg Public Library.

Unified School District #250, Pittsburg, KS: Items marked with locations of:

  • PHS (Pittsburg High School)
  • PCMS (Pittsburg Community Middle School)
  • Meadowlark (Meadowlark Elementary School)
  • Nettels (George Nettels Elementary School)
  • Lakeside (Lakeside Elementary School)
  • Westside (Westside Elementary School)

are schools of Pittsburg Unified School District #250. Jayne Smith, Librarian at Westside Elementary, is the Coordinator of the USD #250 Library Automation Program and can be reached at (620) 235-3170.

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